These are all my hounds which are my favourite. Sometimes they listened very well and sometimes they didn’t listen except the beagle who is very polite. In fact, my favourite group number is the group 2. I think Uno and Hickory already won best in show at WKC dog show when I saw my favourite year in 2008 and 2011. There are 54 breeds of dogs in the Hound Group will be the same amount as the American and Canadian kennel club including Norwegian Lundehund and Finnish Spitz from the Non-Sporting Group.
Afghan Hound American English Coonhound Azawakh Basenji Basset Hound Beagle (15 inch) Beagle (13 inch) Beagle Harrier Berner Laufhund Black and Tan Coonhound Bloodhound Bluetick Coonhound Borzoi Bruno Jura Laufhund Carolina Dog Chart Polski Cirneco Dell’ Etna Cretan Hound Dachshund (Smooth-haired) Dachshund (Long-haired) Dachshund (Wire-haired) Drever Finnish Spitz Foxhound (American) Foxhound (English) Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Greyhound Hamilton Hound Hanoverian Hound Harrier Hungarian Greyhound Ibizan Hound Irish Wolfhound Norrbottenspets Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian Lundehund Otterhound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Pharoah Hound Plott Hound Porcelaine Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) Portuguese Podengo (Standard) Redbone Coonhound Rhodesian Ridgeback Saluki Schweizer Laufhund Scottish Deerhound Shikoku Ken Sloughi Thai Ridgeback Treeing Walker Coonhound Tyrolean Hound Whippet
